Generative AI series

Ongoing (Q4 '24):

5-part Generative AI Series

Create RAG systems and AI agents with Sectors Financial API, LangChain and state-of-the-art LLM models -- capable of producing fact-based financial analysis and financial-specific reasoning. **Continually updated** to keep up with the latest major versions of the tools and libraries used in the series.

Generative AI Series: Table of Contents


Generative AI for Finance

An overview of designing Generative AI systems for the finance industry and the motivation for retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems.

Tool-Use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)


Structured Output from AIs

From using Generative AI to extract from unstructured data or perform actions like database queries, API calls, JSON parsing and more, we need schema and structure in the AI's output.

Tool-use ReAct Agents w/ Streaming

Updated for LangChain v0.3.2, we explore streaming, LCEL expressions and ReAct agents following the most up-to-date practices for creating conversational AI agents.

Conversational Memory AI Agents

Updated for LangChain v0.2.3, we dive into Creating AI Agents with Conversational Memory

This article is part 5 of the Generative AI for Finance series, and is written using LangChain 0.3.2.

For best results, it is recommended to consume the series in order, starting from chapter 1.

For continuity purposes, I will point out the key differences between the current version (LangChain 0.3.2, using runnables) and the older implementations featuring LLMChain and ConversationChain.

Conversational AI with Memory

Oftentimes, we design our AI agents to be conversational, allowing them to interact with users in a more human-like manner. Part 5 of the Generative AI series is on building a conversational AI agent with memory capabilities, which can “remember” past interactions in the conversation and use that information to generate more contextually relevant responses.

The essential components of a memory system requires:

  1. Memory Storage: A mechanism to store and retrieve information.
  2. Memory Update: A mechanism to update the memory based on new information.
  3. Memory Retrieval: A mechanism to retrieve information from memory.

Instead of operating in a stateless manner, we will be constructing a system where the prompt is augmented with memory information before being passed to the model, and subsequently updating this memory with the agent’s response. In other words, this chain will be interacting with this memory system twice in any given conversation turn, once to perform (3) Memory Retrieval and once to perform (2) Memory Update.

Observe where the memory system is integrated into the agent’s workflow. Also note how the chain:

  1. Augments the user input with memory information before passing it to the model. This happens after receiving the user input but before the agent performs any processing.
  2. Updates the memory with the agent’s response after the model has generated a response, typically before returning the response to the user. This adds information to the memory storage that future conversation turns can refer to.

Underlying this memory system can range from simple key-value stores to more complex storage systems that offer persistence and authentication features.

In the past, memory-backed AI agents were typically implemented with either a LLMChain or ConversationChain, and the simplicity of these classes made it easy to showcase the memory system. I will first demonstrate how that is done before moving on to the newer, more flexible RunnableWithMessageHistory class as recommended in the latest version of LangChain (0.3.2).

Memory in LLMChain and ConversationChain

This sub-section demonstrates the memory system in LangChain’s LLMChain and ConversationChain classes.

As of LangChain 0.3.0 (mid-October ‘24), these two will yield a LangChainDeprecationWarning warning.

  • The class LLMChain was deprecated in LangChain 0.1.17 and will be removed in 1.0. Use :meth:~RunnableSequence, e.g., prompt | llm“ instead.
  • The class ConversationChain was deprecated in LangChain 0.2.7 and will be removed in 1.0. Use :meth:~RunnableWithMessageHistory: instead.

The rest of this article outside of this sub-chapter will be using the newest, recommended classes (as of October ‘24).

There are two key components in the code above, irrespective of whichever class you choose to use:

  • The PromptTemplate class, which is used to define the template for the prompt. How we name the variables in the template is important, as it will be used to match the keys in the memory system.

  • The ConversationBufferMemory class, which is a simple memory system that stores the conversation history in a buffer. It requires a memory_key to match the key in the prompt template.

Since we have {history} in the prompt template, the memory system will store the conversation history under the key history, which will be used to augment the prompt before passing it to the model.

If desired, one can also manipulate the memory system by adding user or AI messages to the conversation history through the chat_memory attribute.

memory = ConversationBufferMemory()
memory.chat_memory.add_user_message("hi! I'm curious about the Indonesian stock market.")
memory.chat_memory.add_ai_message("i'm here to help! what would you like to know?")

Once you have the ConversationChain or LLMChain set up, you can interact with it as you would with any other chain. The memory system will automatically update the conversation history with each turn, and the model will be able to access this history in subsequent turns.

>>>"which country does the great nusantara likely refers to?")

# output:
A question that takes us back to the rich history of Indonesia! The term "Nusantara" is a Sanskrit 
word that refers to the Indonesian archipelago. In fact, the name "Indonesia" itself is derived 
from the Latinised form of "Nusantara". So, to answer your question, the term "Nusantara" likely 
refers to Indonesia.'

>>>"what is the name of the central bank of that country?")

# output:
That's a great question! In Indonesia, the central bank is called Bank Indonesia (BI). It's responsible 
for monetary policy, regulating the financial system, and maintaining financial stability in the country.

>>>"with whom does this country compete with, economically?")
In terms of economic competition, Indonesia is a significant player in the Southeast Asian region and 
competes with other neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. However, if 
I'm being more specific, Indonesia is also part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and 
competes with other ASEAN member states such as Vietnam, Singapore, and the Philippines in terms of 
attracting foreign investments, exports, and tourism.

In terms of the stock market, Indonesia's IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) competes with other Southeast Asian 
exchanges such as the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) in Malaysia, the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), 
and the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).

Notice the answers to each prompt are contextually relevant to the conversation history. The AI agent could not have understood the question about the “central bank of that country” or “with whom does this country compete with” without these information injected into the prompt from the conversation history.

Conversational Agents through RunnableWithMessageHistory

If you’re going through the Generative AI series on your own, you’d probably be reading this article closer to the end of 2024 or later. In that case, you should be using the RunnableWithMessageHistory class along with the LCEL (LangChain Expression Language) to build your conversational AI agents. ReAct agents and LCEL are topics covered in Chapter 4: Tool-Use ReAct Agents of the series.

The key changes with LangChain 0.3.2 and above are the use of RunnableWithMessageHistory to construct a runnable — consistent with what we’ve learned in previous chapters of this series — and a more explictly way of handling message history through InMemoryChatMessageHistory. RunnableWithMessageHistory wraps around a runnable (like the ones we’ve seen before) but with the added capability of working with chat message history, thus allowing this runnable to read and update the message history in a conversation.

Unlike other runnables, RunnableWithMessageHistory must always be invoked with a config that contains the parameters for the chat message history.

Let’s start with the imports and set up a runnable chain much like you’ve done in the previous chapters.

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from langchain_groq import ChatGroq
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder


GROQ_API_KEY = os.getenv("GROQ_API_KEY")
llm = ChatGroq(model="llama3-8b-8192")

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
            "You're a financial stock advisor with adept knowledge of the Indonesian stock exchange (IDX) and adept at analysing, summarizing, inferring trends from financial information",
        ("human", "{question}"),

chain = prompt | llm

Again, pay special attention to the variable names in the prompt template. We have decided to call it history and question, but your use-case may vary. The big picture idea isn’t much different from the previous examples, where we are creating these variables to allow the memory system to augment the prompt before passing it to the model. Set aside syntactic differences, the key idea is to inject, or “copy-paste”, into the prompt past conversational rounds so the prompt is contextually informative.

In a production environment, you might use a persistent implementation of key-value store for this message history, like RedisChatMessageHistory or MongoDBChatMessageHistory.

View the full list of integration packages and providers on LangChain Providers.

With our runnable chain set up, let’s now:

  • Create an in-memory dictionary to store the message history based on a unique session id
  • Wrap our chain with RunnableWithMessageHistory to handle the message history through matching the variables in the prompt template.
store = {}

def get_session_history_by_id(session_id: str):
    if session_id not in store:
        store[session_id] = InMemoryChatMessageHistory()
    return store[session_id]

with_memory = RunnableWithMessageHistory(
    # the two variables in the prompt are named 'question' and 'history'

The get_session_history_by_id function retrieves the message history based on a unique session id. If the session_id is not found in the store, it means the user has not interacted with the agent before, and so a new InMemoryChatMessageHistory object is created and stored in the dictionary.

Runnable with Message History in Action

With all of that in place, let us now interact with our with_memory runnable to see how it performs in a conversation.

out = with_memory.invoke(
    {"question": "What are some investable companies on the Indonesian stock market?"},
    config={"configurable": {"session_id": "supertype"}},

Because supertype is not present in store, a new InMemoryChatMessageHistory object is created on our memory store under the supertype key. Subsequent interactions with the agent using this session_id will refer to this key (pointing to an object containing the conversation history).

Just as how we initialized store as an empty dictionary, print(store) will show you that the structure of this dictionary is as follows:

    "supertype": InMemoryChatMessageHistory(),
    # other session ids and their respective InMemoryChatMessageHistory objects
    "another_session_id": InMemoryChatMessageHistory(),

# output: <class 'dict'>

And since our store has been updated with this new key, let’s also print out the content of this new key-value pair:


Human: What are some investable companies on the Indonesian stock market?
AI: The Indonesian stock market, also known as the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), offers a wide range of investable companies across various sectors. Here are some of the most popular and attractive companies to consider:

1. Bank Central Asia (BBCA): One of the largest banks in Indonesia, with a strong presence in consumer lending and corporate banking.
2. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI): Another major bank in Indonesia, with a focus on microfinance and community development.
3. Astra International (ASII): A diversified conglomerate with interests in automotive, agribusiness, mining, and infrastructure.
4. Indocement (INTP): A leading cement producer in Indonesia, with a strong market presence and a focus on sustainability.
5. Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF): A food and beverage company with a wide range of products, including instant noodles, coffee, and dairy products.
6. Unilever Indonesia (UNVR): A consumer goods company with a portfolio of well-known brands, including food, beverages, and personal care products.
7. Aneka Tambang (ANTM): A mining company with a focus on nickel, gold, and copper production.
8. Adaro Energy (ADRO): A coal mining and energy company with a strong presence in Indonesia's energy sector.
9. Gudang Garam (GGRM): A leading tobacco company in Indonesia, with a focus on high-quality cigarette products.
10. PPB (PPB): A food and beverage company with a focus on instant noodles, coffee, and other packaged goods.
11. MNC Group (MNCN): A media and entertainment company with interests in television, radio, and film production.
12. XL Axiata (EXCL): A telecommunications company with a focus on mobile and internet services.
13. Bank Mandiri (BMTR): A major bank in Indonesia, with a strong presence in consumer and corporate lending.
14. Bumi Resources (BUMI): A mining company with a focus on coal and iron ore production.
15. Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR): A conglomerate with interests in energy, mining, and real estate.

These companies are listed on the IDX and are considered to be investable, but it's essential to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. It's also important to consider factors such as valuation, financial performance, industry trends, and macroeconomic conditions before investing in any company.

In addition to these individual companies, investors may also consider investing in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds that track the IDX or specific sectors within the market. These types of funds can provide diversification and exposure to a broader range of companies and industries.

So far, it’s looking good! The agent has provided a detailed, on-point response to the user’s question. Now, let’s test the agent’s memory by asking a follow-up question that relies on the information provided in the previous response.

out2 = with_memory.invoke(
    {"question": "Tell me more about the first three companies on the list"},
    config={"configurable": {"session_id": "supertype"}},


Let me provide you with more information about the first three companies on the list:

**1. Bank Central Asia (BBCA)**

Bank Central Asia (BBCA) is one of the largest banks in Indonesia, with a market capitalization of around IDR 150 trillion (approximately USD 10 billion). The bank was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Jakarta.
BBCA is a universal bank that offers a wide range of financial services, including consumer lending, corporate banking, treasury, and investment banking. The bank has a strong presence in Indonesia, with over 1,000 branches and 10,000 ATMs across the country.
BBCA has a solid financial track record, with a strong capital adequacy ratio and a low non-performing loan (NPL) ratio. The bank has also been recognized for its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainability.

Some of the key factors that make BBCA an attractive investment opportunity include:

* Strong brand recognition and market presence
* Diversified revenue stream from various business segments
* Robust financial performance, with a strong capital position and low NPL ratio
* Growing demand for financial services in Indonesia, driven by economic growth and increasing middle-class consumption

**2. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI)**

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI) is another major bank in Indonesia, with a market capitalization of around IDR 120 trillion (approximately USD 8 billion). The bank was founded in 1897 and is headquartered in Jakarta.
BBRI is a commercial bank that focuses on microfinance and community development, with a strong presence in rural areas. The bank has a network of over 1,000 branches and 10,000 ATMs across Indonesia.
BBRI has a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, and has been recognized for its efforts to promote financial inclusion and entrepreneurship in Indonesia. The bank has also been expanding its digital banking capabilities, with a focus on mobile banking and online services.

Some of the key factors that make BBRI an attractive investment opportunity include:

* Strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability
* Diversified revenue stream from various business segments, including microfinance and corporate banking
* Growing demand for financial services in Indonesia, driven by economic growth and increasing middle-class consumption
* Strong brand recognition and market presence

**3. Astra International (ASII)**

Astra International (ASII) is a diversified conglomerate with interests in various sectors, including automotive, agribusiness, mining, and infrastructure. The company was founded in 1957 and is headquartered in Jakarta.
ASII has a strong presence in Indonesia's automotive sector, with a market share of around 50% in the domestic market. The company also has interests in agribusiness, with a focus on palm oil and soybean production. ASII also has a significant presence in mining, with a focus on nickel and coal production.
ASII has a strong financial track record, with a solid balance sheet and a track record of generating strong profits. The company has also been recognized for its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Some of the key factors that make ASII an attractive investment opportunity include:

* Diversified revenue stream from various business segments
* Strong presence in Indonesia's automotive and agribusiness sectors
* Growing demand for infrastructure development in Indonesia, driven by economic growth and urbanization
* Strong brand recognition and market presence

These three companies offer investors a range of opportunities to participate in Indonesia's growing economy, from financial services to consumer goods and infrastructure development. However, as with any investment, it's essential to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making a decision.

Different session_id for different Conversations

It does look like our AI agent handled that follow-up question well!

By matching the session_id, it was able to identify which companies were being referred to and inject the right context from our memory store.

Now that our conversation has grown a little longer, let’s see if it still maintains context in the next question.

out3 = with_memory.invoke(
        "question": "Which from the original list are not in the financial sector? I have too much exposure to that sector and wish to diversify away from banking"
    config={"configurable": {"session_id": "supertype"}},


Based on the original list, the following companies are not in the financial sector:

* Astra International (ASII) - diversified conglomerate with interests in automotive, agribusiness, mining, and infrastructure.
* Indofood Sukses Makmur (INDF) - food and beverage company with a wide range of products, including instant noodles, coffee, and dairy products.
* Gudang Garam (GGRM) - leading tobacco company in Indonesia, with a focus on high-quality cigarette products.

These companies operate in different sectors, such as manufacturing, consumer goods, and commodities, which can help you diversify away from the financial sector.

Astra International, as a conglomerate, has a diversified portfolio of businesses, which can provide a buffer against market volatility and sector-specific risks.

Indofood Sukses Makmur is a leading player in Indonesia's food and beverage industry, with a strong brand presence and a wide range of products that cater to various consumer segments.

Gudang Garam is a well-established tobacco company with a strong market presence in Indonesia. While the tobacco industry has its own set of regulatory and reputational risks, Gudang Garam has a strong brand reputation and a diversified product portfolio.

These companies can provide a good starting point for diversifying away from the financial sector..

It seems that the AI agent performs admirably in this conversation, providing contextually relevant responses based on the conversation history. Just to test its ability to order these message histories sequentially, I’ve asked it for the second question as well:

out4 = with_memory.invoke(
        "question": "What was the second question i asked you?"
    config={"configurable": {"session_id": "supertype"}},


# output:
Your second question was: "Tell me more about the first three companies on the list"

For the most part, the AI agent’s ability to store and retrieve these message histories, and the quality of this ability, will be
dependent on the way we set up the memory system as well as the LLM model itself. If you have been following along with your own LLM model, you might notice a difference in the quality of responses compared to the examples above.

It should come as no surprise that when we try to access a different session_id, the agent will not be able to retrieve the conversation history from the store dictionary and will promptly create a new InMemoryChatMessageHistory object for that session_id, as implemented in the get_session_history_by_id function.

out2 = with_memory.invoke(
    {"question": "What was the second question i asked you?"},
    config={"configurable": {"session_id": "2"}},

# output:
# I apologize, but this is the beginning of our conversation, and you haven't asked me any questions yet. 
# I'm here to help, so feel free to ask me anything you'd like!

Advanced configuration for message histories tracking

Recall that this is our current implementation carried over from the previous sections:

with_memory = RunnableWithMessageHistory(
    input_messages_key="input", # originally 'question'

This function in fact, also accepts an optional parameter, history_factory_config that expects a list of ConfigurableFieldSpec objects.

from langchain_core.runnables import ConfigurableFieldSpec

with_memory = RunnableWithMessageHistory(
            name="User ID",
            description="Unique identifier for the user.",
            name="Conversation ID",
            description="Unique identifier for the conversation.",

Notice that I’ve also changed the get_session_history to this new function that I have yet to create, so let’s go ahead and create it:

# Create an in-memory chat history store
store = {}

def get_session_history_by_uid_and_convoid(user_id: str, conversation_id: str):
    concatenated = f"{user_id}_{conversation_id}"

    if concatenated not in store:
        store[concatenated] = InMemoryChatMessageHistory()
    return store[concatenated]

I have also slightly modified my prompt for this example, even though it’s not necessary for the history_factory_config to work.

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
            """You're a bilingual financial stock advisor with adept knowledge of the Indonesian stock exchange (IDX). Answer the users queries with respect to his stock holdings. 
            Answer in the {language} language, but be casual and not too overly formal.
            The user's holdings are: {holdings}
        ("human", "{input}"),

chain = prompt | llm

Now, to invoke our runnable with the new history_factory_config, your config will have to match the specifications constructed with the ConfigurableFieldSpec objects.

# correct:
        "configurable": {
            "user_id": "001",
            "conversation_id": "1",

# wrong: 'language' is not known in the history_factory_config
        "configurable": {
            "user_id": "001",
            "conversation_id": "1",
            "language": "Bahasa Indonesia",

We are going to pretend that we have some internal database that provide us with the stocks owned by the respective users, and mock them up for now. Here’s my implementation of _get_stocks_of_user and _get_user_settings_preferences:

def chat(user_id: str, input: str, conversation_id: int = 1):

    # you can replace this with your own database query
    def _get_stocks_of_user(user_id: str):
        if user_id == "001":
            return ["BBCA", "ADRO", "BBRI", "GOTO"]
        if user_id == "002":
            return ["BBCA", "ADRO", "BBRI"]
        return []

    # again, replace this with your own database query
    def _get_user_settings_preferences(user_id):
        return {
            "language": "Bahasa Indonesia",
            "join_date": "2024-11-01",

    return with_memory.invoke(
            "holdings": _get_stocks_of_user(user_id),
            "language": _get_user_settings_preferences(user_id)["language"],
            "input": input,
            "configurable": {
                "user_id": user_id,
                "conversation_id": str(conversation_id),

And now I can initiate a chat, first using user Sam (id 001), and then user Anonymous (id 002).

out = chat(
    input="hi, my name is Sam. What stocks do i own? I can't remember",

# Hi Sam! Tidak apa-apa, kita bisa cek bersama! Kamu memiliki saham dari beberapa perusahaan, yaitu BBCA, ADRO, BBRI, dan GOTO.

Since I did not specify any conversation_id, it will default to 1. This is verified by printing the store dictionary after the first chat:

# output: dict_keys(['001_1'])

Now with the Anonymous user, we are going to issue a conversation_id of 1 explicitly, but due to the implementations of get_session_history_by_uid_and_convoid, it will still create a new InMemoryChatMessageHistory object. Let’s verify that asking the AI for the name (user 1 introduces himself as Sam) will not work for user 2.

out2 = chat(
    input="hi, what did i say my name was? Also, please print the full name of the companies I own",

# Hi there! You didn't mention your name, so I'll just address you as "teman" (friend) for now.

# As for your stock holdings, you currently own shares of:
# 1. Bank Central Asia (BBCA) 
# 2. PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO)
# 3. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI)

Notice that even though the conversation_id is the same, our function is implemented in such a way that the AI agent will treat it as a separate conversation.

# output: dict_keys(['001_1', '002_1'])

Whenever Sam is ready to continue the conversation, he can do so with the same conversation_id of 1:

out = chat(
    input="tell me more about the first one on the list?",
    conversation_id=1, # can omit, default=1 anyway

# out.content
"Hey Sam! So, you want to know more about the first one on the list, BBCA? Well, I can tell you that it's one of the largest commercial banks in Indonesia. 
They offer a range of financial services, from personal banking to corporate banking, and even have a presence in other countries.

As a stock, BBCA has been performing relatively well in recent years, with a steady increase in its stock price. It's considered a relatively stable investment, 
with a strong brand and a large customer base. However, as with any stock, there are always risks and uncertainties involved.

If you're looking to learn more, I can give you some insights or even provide some analysis on the stock's performance."

out = chat(
    input="sure. tell me if i should hold it long term?",

# out.content
"Whether you should hold BBCA long-term depends on your investment goals and risk tolerance. As I mentioned earlier, BBCA has been performing relatively well, 
but it's always important to consider the bigger picture.

From a fundamental perspective, BBCA has a strong financial position, with a solid capital adequacy ratio and a manageable debt level. They've also been making 
efforts to diversify their revenue streams and improve their digital offerings.

That being said, the banking industry in Indonesia is highly competitive, and BBCA faces intense competition from other major banks like BRI and Mandiri. 
Additionally, there are always potential risks from macroeconomic factors, such as interest rate changes or currency fluctuations.

If you're looking to hold BBCA long-term, I'd say it's a relatively stable investment with a strong brand and a large customer base. However, it's always 
important to monitor the stock's performance and adjust your strategy as needed.

If you're willing to take on a bit more risk, you could also consider exploring other stocks in the Indonesian market. There are many exciting companies in 
various sectors that could potentially provide higher returns over the long term.\n\nWhat do you think, Sam? Are you looking to hold BBCA long-term, 
or are you considering other options?"


Memory implementations vary from simple in-memory dictionaries to more complex, persistent storage systems. The exact implementation will depend on your specific use case, requirements, as well as the library you choose.

To demonstrate a more persistent memory system, I will show you how to use SQLChatMessageHistory with SQLite.

Start with installing the langchain-community package, which contains the SQLChatMessageHistory class. As always, I recommend doing this in a virtual environment.

pip install langchain-community

Now, import the SQLChatMessageHistory class and modify your get_session_history_by_uid_and_convoid function to use it, swapping out InMemoryChatMessageHistory for SQLChatMessageHistory.

- from langchain_core.chat_history import InMemoryChatMessageHistory
+ from langchain_community.chat_message_histories import SQLChatMessageHistory

def get_session_history_by_uid_and_convoid(user_id: str, conversation_id: str):
    concatenated = f"{user_id}_{conversation_id}"

    # if concatenated not in store:
    #     store[concatenated] = InMemoryChatMessageHistory()
    # return store[concatenated]
    return SQLChatMessageHistory(concatenated, "sqlite:///memory.db")

With SQLite, is a database of that name is not found, it will be created for you. There is no separate setup required for the creation of this database.

The rest of your code should remain the same, but now when we call chat(user_id, input) for the first time, it will create a new memory.db file in the same directory as your script.

>>> tree
├── memory.db
├── .env

Exploring the database, we can see a table named message_store being created for us, identical to the following schema:

CREATE TABLE message_store (
    session_id TEXT,
    message TEXT,

Executing SELECT * FROM message_store will show you the conversation history stored in the database:

id	session_id	message
1	001_1	{"type": "human", "data": {"content": "hi, my name is Sam. What stocks do i own? I can't remember", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {}, "type": "human", "name": null, "id": null, "example": false}}
2	001_1	{"type": "ai", "data": {"content": "Hai Sam! Jangan khawatir, kita bisa cek bersama. Kamu memiliki saham dari beberapa perusahaan, yaitu BBCA, ADRO, BBRI, dan GOTO.", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {"token_usage": {"completion_tokens": 45, "prompt_tokens": 104, "total_tokens": 149, "completion_time": 0.0375, "prompt_time": 0.011602009, "queue_time": 0.011325890000000002, "total_time": 0.049102009}, "model_name": "llama3-8b-8192", "system_fingerprint": "fp_af05557ca2", "finish_reason": "stop", "logprobs": null}, "type": "ai", "name": null, "id": "run-eeb5b59e-e257-4093-9cbc-fb40b041dc6f-0", "example": false, "tool_calls": [], "invalid_tool_calls": [], "usage_metadata": {"input_tokens": 104, "output_tokens": 45, "total_tokens": 149}}}
3	002_1	{"type": "human", "data": {"content": "hi, what did i say my name was? Also, please print the full name of the companies I own", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {}, "type": "human", "name": null, "id": null, "example": false}}
4	002_1	{"type": "ai", "data": {"content": "Halo! You didn't mention your name, so I'll just address you as \"user\" for now.\n\nAnd, no problem! You own shares of:\n\n1. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBCA)\n2. Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO)\n3. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI)\n\nLet me know what's on your mind, and I'll do my best to help you with your stock holdings!", "additional_kwargs": {}, "response_metadata": {"token_usage": {"completion_tokens": 97, "prompt_tokens": 105, "total_tokens": 202, "completion_time": 0.080833333, "prompt_time": 0.01259477, "queue_time": 0.0019365489999999992, "total_time": 0.093428103}, "model_name": "llama3-8b-8192", "system_fingerprint": "fp_a97cfe35ae", "finish_reason": "stop", "logprobs": null}, "type": "ai", "name": null, "id": "run-6e36701d-377f-426f-b44f-02da77304602-0", "example": false, "tool_calls": [], "invalid_tool_calls": [], "usage_metadata": {"input_tokens": 105, "output_tokens": 97, "total_tokens": 202}}}

Adding memory to prebuilt ReAct agents

We’ve learned about the prebuilt ReAct agents in the previous chapter. Adding in-memory capabilities to these agents is actually fairly straightforward, so let’s see a bare minimum example of how to do this.

from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver

# ...assume retrieve_from_endpoint is defined already, following the previous examples

def get_company_overview(stock: str) -> str:
    Get company overview

    url = f"{stock}/?sections=overview"

    return retrieve_from_endpoint(url)

llm = ChatGroq(
tools = [
    # ... other tools
memory = MemorySaver()

app = create_react_agent(llm, tools, checkpointer=memory)

The key difference here is the addition of the MemorySaver class, which LangChain describes as an in-memory checkpoint saver. Just like the store={} dictionary we used in the previous examples, this class also stores its checkpoints using a defaultdict in memory.

I’ve mentioned that create_react_agent really requires two arguments: the llm model and the tools list, but accept additional keyword arguments. If you want to, you can also pass in a state_modifier that acts almost like a prompt (we’ve also seen this earlier):

system_message = "You are an expert tool calling agent meant for financial data retriever and summarization. Use tools to get the information you need. If you do not know the answer to a question, say so."
app = create_react_agent(llm, 

The rest of the code remains the same from earlier chapters.

I will leave it as an exercise for you to implement the other tools using the @tool decorator, but this serves as a sufficient example to demonstrate the use of a tool-using (“function calling”) ReAct agent with memory capabilities.

out = app.invoke({
        "messages": [
                content="Give me an overview of ADRO"
    }, config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "supertype"}})

# result:

Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk, listed as ADRO.JK, is a coal production company in the energy sector. 
It is headquartered at Menara Karya 23rd Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950. 
The company has a market capitalization of 116,883,055,443,968, ranking it 18th in the market. 
It has 13,180 employees and is listed on the Main board since July 16, 2008. The latest closing price 
was 3,800 on October 8, 2024, with a daily close change of -0.0231362467866324. For more information, 
you can visit their website at or contact them via email at 
or, or by phone at 021-25533000.

A quick glance at Sectors report on Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk (ADRO) will confirm that the information provided by the AI agent is accurate, and it was able to retrieve this information from the get_company_overview tool.

In fact, if we so desire, we can also break down each intermediary message contained in the out['messages'] list for inspection:

>>> [type(m) for m in out['messages']]

# output:
    <class 'langchain_core.messages.human.HumanMessage'>, 
    <class ''>, 
    <class 'langchain_core.messages.tool.ToolMessage'>, 
    <class ''>
  • The first message is a HumanMessage object, which is the user’s input (e.g. “Give me an overview of ADRO”).
  • The second message is an AIMessage, which reads the user’s input and decides on the right tools to call
  • The third message is a ToolMessage, which is the tool call itself (e.g. get_company_overview)
  • The fourth message is another AIMessage, which is the AI agent’s response to the user’s input, in plain human language

Sequentially, the messages are as follows:

-> HumanMessage(content='Give me an overview of ADRO'...)
-> AIMessage(content='', additional_kwargs={'tool_calls': [{ '
    function': {'arguments': '{"stock": "ADRO"}', 'name': 'get_company_overview'}, 'type': 'function'}]}
-> ToolMessage(content='{"symbol": "ADRO.JK", "company_name": "Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk", "overview": 
        {"listing_board": "Main", "industry": "Coal", "sub_industry": "Coal Production", "sector": "Energy", "sub_sector": "Oil, Gas & Coal", "market_cap": 116883055443968, 
        "market_cap_rank": 18, "address": "Menara Karya 23rd Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950", "employee_num": 13180, "listing_date": "2008-07-16", 
        "website": "", "phone": "021-25533000", "email": " ;", "last_close_price": 3800, 
        "latest_close_date": "2024-10-08", "daily_close_change": -0.0231362467866324}}', name='get_company_overview', ...)

-> AIMessage(content='Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk, listed as ADRO.JK, is a coal production company in the energy sector. It is headquartered at Menara Karya 23rd Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Block X-5, Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950. The company has a market capitalization of 116,883,055,443,968, ranking it 18th in the market. It has 13,180 employees and is listed on the Main board since July 16, 2008. The latest closing price was 3,800 on October 8, 2024, with a daily close change of -0.0231362467866324. For more information, you can visit their website at or contact them via email at or, or by phone at 021-25533000.', additional_kwargs={}, response_metadata={'token_usage': {'completion_tokens': 203, 'prompt_tokens': 619, 'total_tokens': 822, 'completion_time': 0.651845143, 'prompt_time': 0.063395509, 'queue_time': 0.0008670310000000042, 'total_time': 0.715240652}, 'model_name': 'llama3-groq-70b-8192-tool-use-preview', 'system_fingerprint': 'fp_ee4b521143', 'finish_reason': 'stop', 'logprobs': None}, id='run-2d411070-5abe-41d1-af07-aec558a58093-0', usage_metadata={'input_tokens': 619, 'output_tokens': 203, 'total_tokens': 822})

Given how often we want to be interacting with the AI agent, I’ve wrapped the invocation logic into chat() and we will now proceed to ask a few follow up questions to see the memory in action.

def chat(session_id: str, input: str) -> str:
    out = app.invoke(
            "messages": [
    return out["messages"][-1].content

# invoke the chat to ask a follow up question
chat("supertype", "what is the latest change in closing price? multiply by 100 to get percentage and answer in 2 decimals")
# output:
'The latest change in closing price for Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk is -0.0231362467866324 * 100 = -2.31%.'

chat("supertype", "What is the market cap of Adaro again? Answer succinctly and round it up to billions if necessary, with the IDR currency prefix")
# output:
'The market capitalization of Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk is approximately IDR 116.9 billion.'

To both of these follow-up questions, the AI agent was able to access and draw from its memory to provide the contextually relevant and correct responses.


Using what you’ve learned in this chapter, try to implement an end-to-end financial agent that is fun to use and can provide you with the latest stock information, company overviews, and even more.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Implement 3 or more tools, each leveraging an external API to retrieve financial data
  • Implement a CLI interface for your agent, or a simple web interface using any tools of your choice
  • Implement a memory system that can store and retrieve conversation histories, and use it to provide contextually relevant responses

Here is an example conversation of a passing submission for this challenge:

→: hello
🤖: Hello! How can I assist you with your financial queries today?

→: what tools do you have access to?
🤖: I have access to several tools that can help retrieve and summarize financial data. 
These include tools to get company overviews, rank companies based on various dimensions, and provide performance data since a company's IPO.

→: tell me the largest companies on idx based on market cap
🤖: To provide you with the largest companies on the IDX based on market cap, 
I'll need to use the "get_top_companies_ranked" tool. Could you specify the number of companies you're interested in?

→: 5
🤖: Based on the market capitalization, the top 5 companies on the IDX are:
1. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BBCA.JK) with a market cap of 1,294,387,581,550,592
2. PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk. (BREN.JK) with a market cap of 896,366,184,235,008
3. PT Chandra Asri Pacific Tbk. (TPIA.JK) with a market cap of 774,277,913,640,960
4. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI.JK) with a market cap of 753,870,040,989,696
5. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI.JK) with a market cap of 664,999,785,660,416

→: great, get me the overview of the last company on the list
🤖: Here's an overview of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI.JK):
- Address: Plaza Mandiri, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav.36-38, Jakarta 12190
- Daily Close Change: 2.91%
- Email:
- Employee Number: 38,769
- Industry: Banks
- Last Close Price: 7,075
- Latest Close Date: 2024-10-08

→: comparing its last close price here, is it higher than that of BBCA's last close price?
🤖: To compare the last close prices, I'll need to get the latest close price for PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BBCA.JK). 
Shall I proceed?

→: yes
🤖: The last close price for PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BBCA.JK) is 10,400. 
Comparing this to PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk's last close price of 7,075, BBCA's last close price is higher.

→: quit()
🤖: Goodbye!